Products > Zero Charge
ZERO CHARGE™ Brand ESD Products and Accessories |
This is not a "Black Magic".
Simple, easily applied, and effective methods, materials and instrumentation will save
you big and hidden expenses incurred to pay for production rejects and unexpected, post
shipment guarantee repairs caused by Electrostatic Discharge. Professional and Effective
advice, along with the supply of all what you need to prevent unnecessary ESD damage is
at your fingertips.
Find out about our innovative wireless discharge products
- Adjustable wrist straps
- Heel and toe grounders
- Field service kits and computer mats
- Specialty wrist straps
- Worksurface Mats
- Floor Mats
- Maintenance Mats
- Adhesive Entrance mats
- Grounding Hardware
- Wrist and Footwear Tester
- Wall mounted wrist strap and footwear test station
- Constant Monitor
- Precision Electrostatic Locator Meter
- Universal Resistance Checker
- Pocket Resistivity Meter
- Protective MICROSTAT Lab Coats and Jackets
- Quality ESD Shoes
- ESD Gloves
- ESD Socks
- Disposable shoe covers
- ACH-1 ESD Vinyl chair with pneumatic height adjustment
- ACH-2 ESD woven chair with pneumatic height adjustment
- ACH-3 ESD De-Lux Chair , black with pneumatic Back Rest adjustment,
casting base and metal wheels
- ACH-4 ESD Molded Chair3
- ACH-5 ESD Hi-Tech Molded Chair
- Antistatic Chair Covers (for use with no ESD chairs)
- Static Shielding Bags - AX Series
- Static Shielding Bags - AM Series
- Conductive Grid Bags - AC Series
- Labels
- Tapes
- ESD Pliers and Cutters
- Vacuum Manual Pick-Up Tool
- ESD Tweezers with quick-change Dissipative Tips
- Antistatic Desoldering Pump
- Static Eliminator Blower
- Brushes, Extractors, etc.
- Document Protectors
- Static Safe Pens
- Tool Carriers
- Waste Baskets and Trash Cans
Antistatic PCB and Transport Racks, Antistatic Transport Dolly and
Components Storage Systems
Whether your needs are large or small, we have the ESD Vacuum for your
application. Testing has proven that ESD Vacuums have a conductive
path-to-ground, which whisks away dangerous static electricity that can
cause damage to sensitive electronic parts. All vacuums have available
HEPA filtration for 99.97% efficiency at .3-micron.